Beginning Monday, January 13 the Courthouse elevator will be down for repairs. Estimated down-time will be 10-12 weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Community Development

CHIP 2024 Application

Please see the CHIP Info Brochure and Required Docs document for more information or download the application below to apply.

View Brochure Download Application

Welcome to the Muskingum County Community Development Office. We currently have several grants in operation. Grants are applied through various departments within the State of Ohio and are awarded based on application scores or allocation. All grants have different award/ending dates. Please view links for various programs and descriptions.

It is the duty of the Community Development office to research funding sources that can provide financial assistance to assist with the implementation of the County’s efforts to assist communities in eliminating or preventing slum and blight, to assist low and moderate income residents and to meet other urgent local community development needs. We then complete applications and submit to grantors. Upon grant award it is our responsibility to implement the various activities. We strive to make a difference in communities and households to meet their needs.

We currently administer the County’s Community Development Block Grant program, Community Housing Improvement Program, Energy Efficiency Grants to name a few. We work with communities and committees to ensure the best use of federal funds.

  • Fair Housing Services
  • Water & Sanitary Sewer Program
  • Community Development Program

You have a right to live where you want to live. The Fair Housing Amendments Act specifically prohibits discrimination in any area of housing because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, handicap/disability or familial status.

The Ohio – Landlord Bill, effective November 4, 1974 applies to most landlord-tenant relations and governs most rental agreements, whether written or oral.

We have informational brochures for Tenant-Landlord Laws. Please call the local contact for information.

If you feel you have been discriminated against, document the date of the alleged violation(s), write a summary of what happened and contact one of the following agencies:

Muskingum County:

Community Development Director: (740) 455-7193

Ohio Civil Rights Commission:

(800) 278-7101

HUD Fair Housing Complaints Hot Line:

(800) 424-8590


The Water and Sanitary Sewer Program provides grants to small, needy communities in rural areas of Ohio as they work to comply with Environmental Protection Agency mandates. The goal of the program is to create a safe and sanitary living environment for Ohio citizens, through the provision of safe and reliable drinking water and proper disposal of sanitary waste.

Eligibility: Non-entitlement counties, cities and villages. Counties must apply on behalf of townships and unincorporated areas. Cities and villages are limited to one grant award per program year. Counties are limited to two awards per program year.

For more information about this program, please contact Kyle Dunn.

Each year communities receive funds from the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Community Development program. This program was established with the passage by Congress of Title I of the Community Development Act of 1974. The CDBG program, administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, provides funds that are used for a variety of activities which primarily benefit low and moderate income residents of the community.

All CDBG funded activities must meet at least one of three national objectives:

  • primarily benefit low and moderate income persons
  • eliminate or prevent slums and blight
  • meet other urgent local community development needs

Muskingum County, Ohio, receives an allotment of funds annually. The County receives applications from local townships, villages and non-profit organizations beginning in January of each year. The Community Development Director reviews applications for compliance with CDBG requirements and presents applications to the Board of County Commissioners.

The Board of County Commissioners determines which projects will be applied for. The grant application is prepared by the Community Development Director and submitted to the State of Ohio before the deadline, which is typically in mid-June.

Projects that are eligible include (but are not limited to) water, sewer, handicap accessibility at public buildings, sidewalks, street improvements, parks, and community centers. For a complete list of eligible projects, please contact the Community Development Director.

Muskingum County’s CDBG program cannot be successful without the input and assistance from citizens and local elected officials. Townships, Villages and local non-profit groups may apply for CDBG funds. The links below will provide the information that you will need to apply for your project.

Keep in mind that your project must meet one of the three National Objectives:

  • primarily benefit low and moderate income persons
  • eliminate or prevent slums and blight
  • meet other urgent local community development needs

It has been determined that the following groups of people are determined to be low-or-moderate income and projects that benefit these groups would meet the LMI National Objective without an income survey: abused children, elderly persons, battered spouses, homeless persons, severely disabled adults, illiterate adults, persons living with the disease AIDS, and migrant farm workers.

Notes on Income Surveys: The time span in which an income survey must be complete in order to be considered valid is 3 months. All households in the project area must be surveyed within a 3 month time frame or the survey cannot be used.

Kyle Dunn
Contact Our Office
Location Courthouse
401 Main Street
Ground Level, Zanesville, Ohio
Hours Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed all legal holidays
Phone (740) 455-7193
Fax (740) 455-3785
Email Message Us
Muskingum County Commissioners (740) 455-7100
Muskingum County Projects
Don Madden, Director
(740) 588-4389
Muskingum County Prevailing Wage
Kyle Dunn, Coordinator
(740) 455-7193