Beginning Monday, January 13 the Courthouse elevator will be down for repairs. Estimated down-time will be 10-12 weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Building Department

The Mid-East Ohio Building Department is a state certified commercial building department. The department issues plan approvals (permits) and inspects all building activity regulated by the Ohio Building Code in Muskingum County as well as a region which includes five additional counties: Belmont, Coshocton, Guernsey, Morgan, and Perry County. There are five municipalities in Belmont County that are excluded. Please see the Jurisdiction List for those areas.
(View Jurisdiction List)

The Muskingum County Floodplain Department functions out of the same office. The Floodplain Department issues permits and inspects all floodplain development activity in the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Areas of Muskingum County.

This department does NOT have authority over one, two, or three family dwellings/homes.


Online Plan Submission & Secure Online Payments

Submit your Building or Sign Application by choosing the appropriate application below. There is a link at the end of the application for you to securely submit your payment and plans/drawings.

If this is a revision or update to an existing project, use our “Plan Update/Revision” link below. If you do not know your Plan Approval #, use the name or address of the project.

If additional fees are required, use the “Access Online Payments” link below.

View/Download Application and Fee Schedule
Secure Online Payments

Conveniently and securely pay your fees online through our payment portal.
Please note that there is a 3% fee charged by the credit card carrier.

  • About
  • Flood Insurance
  • Permit Information
  • Resources & Links

Historically, people have been attracted to bodies of water as places for living, industry, business, and recreation. These areas became centers of transportation water supply, and water power. Additionally, these regions were commonly areas with fertile soils that attracted agriculture. As these areas were developed, natural forces of flooding became a cause of damage and destruction.

Flooding is a natural and beneficial function of stream or lake systems. Floods occur when rivers, streams or lakes overflow their banks and spill onto the adjacent land area, which is called a floodplain. Natural controls on flooding and erosion help to maintain water quality by filtering nutrients and impurities from runoff, processing organic wastes, and moderating temperature fluctuations. Floodplains enhance biological productivity by supporting a high rate of plant growth. People benefit from floodplains through the food they provide, the recreational opportunities they afford, and the scientific knowledge gained in studying them.

Loss of life and property can result when people build structures and carry out other development in flood hazard areas. Many factors can cause flooding in Ohio including: heavy and/or prolonged periods of rainfall, snowmelt, soil saturation, ground freeze, severe wind events, and insufficient drainage systems. They can occur at any time of the year, in any part of the country, and at any time of the day or night. Most lives are lost when people are swept away by flood currents, whereas most property damage results from inundation by sediment-laden water. Flood currents also possess tremendous destructive power, as lateral forces can demolish buildings and erosion can undermine bridge foundations and footings leading to the collapse of structures.

Flooding is the most frequently occurring natural disaster in Ohio and the United States. During the 20th century, floods were the number-one natural disaster in the United States in terms of the number of lives lost and property damage. In Ohio, there are many types of flooding that occur, including riverine, flash flooding, coastal flooding, and shallow flooding. Floods damage private and public property and infrastructure in Ohio every year.

A Base Flood is a flood that has a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The base flood is also referred to as the 1% chance annual flood or one‑hundred (100) year flood. During a 30 year mortgage, there is a 26% chance of being hit with a 100 year flood (base flood) in the floodplain. There is a 1-2% chance that the house will catch fire during the same 30 year mortgage.


The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is the primary source for flood insurance in the United States.Flood insurance can be purchased from a licensed private insurance company or independent property and casualty insurance agent.

The NFIP has evolved over time with the following federal legislation and Presidential Executive Orders:

Floodplain development activity includes but is not limited to: Residential, non-residential, manufactured.  All structural and non-structural development activity in a designated FEMA Flood Zone requires a permit.

A Floodplain Permit Application must be completed and submitted to the Muskingum County Floodplain Department prior to any development activity.

The permit fee for floodplain development activity is $100 for structural activity and $50 for non-structural activity. The fee is payable to: Muskingum County Floodplain Department, located at 22 N. 5th Street, Zanesville, Ohio 43701.

Development activity should not begin until all permits are issued.

Structural development activity includes any walled or roofed building, manufactured home or gas or storage tank that is principally above ground in a designated FEMA Flood Zone. Structural development activity includes but is not limited to: New homes, accessory buildings, material storage buildings, and gas or storage tanks, alterations and additions to homes, accessory buildings, and material storage buildings.

Non-structural development activity is all other activity in a designated FEMA Flood Zone which includes but is not limited to: Excavation, driveways, agriculture levies, bridge replacement, maintenance, lake/ponds, landscaping, riprap (bank stabilization), land clearing.

Other permits for floodplain activity that may be required are: Health Department, Township Zoning, County Subdivision, Ohio EPA 401, Corps of Engineers Section 404, Corps of Engineers Section 10.

Flood Insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) will be required if a mortgage is carried on the property.

NFIP insurance premiums are based on risk determined by the exposure to potential flood damage.

Risk for flood damage is reduced if the structure complies with the local floodplain regulations.

Specific Floodplain Development information can be obtained from the Floodplain Office at 22 N. 5th Street, Zanesville, Ohio 43701.

Phone: 740-455-7905
Fax: 740-455-7907
E-mail: Ray Mennega

Jason R. Baughman, PE
Chief Building Official
Contact Our Office
Location 22 North 5th Street, Zanesville, Ohio
Hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed all legal holidays
Phone (740) 455-7905
Fax (740) 455-7907
Mid-East Ohio Building Department