Sewer Department
The Muskingum County Sewer Department provides wastewater collection and treatment for more than 4500 homes and businesses in the county. As with all community wastewater systems, the county system must comply with rules established by the Clean Water Act. The Sewer Department collects and transports the wastewater to one of two locations for treatment. The county operates a treatment plant at Adamsville. The majority of the wastewater is transported to the City of Zanesville for treatment under an interagency agreement. The department monitors wastewater discharges at many points within the system to assure that customers are not discharging prohibited substances and are being charged appropriate fees in relation to the strength of the wastewater being generated. Please visit other pages on our site for information on the wastewater system and its history, how the system maintains water quality, and the County’s continuing efforts to upgrade the system and serve additional customers.
Sewer Emergencies
You should immediately call the Sewer Department at (740) 452-4940 during normal business hours and describe the problem. Outside of normal business hours please call (740) 819-4977.
- Sewer Sense
- Water Quality
- System Information
- FAQs
Sewer Sense is a discussion of various aspects of the wastewater industry and how individual citizens can help protect the environment.
Disposing of Drugs Properly
It is no longer acceptable to flush drugs, vitamins, and supplements into the sewer system. The wastewater treatment process does not remove all the many different drugs, vitamins, and supplements that are used by the population, therefore any of these substances that are not captured in the treatment process are being discharged to the surface water. The latest guidance on the safe disposal of drugs, vitamins, and supplements is contained in an Ohio Water Federation Association document. For more information on Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products and a link to the Federal prescription drug disposal guidelines, go to:
What not to Flush
Many ordinary household items can cause havoc once inside the sewer collection system. Plastic accumulates in pump stations, rags clog pumps and become entangled in water level controls, etc. We have found strange things in the sewer that had to have been placed there on purpose, no we are not talking about wild animals. Items such as concrete blocks, 2 X 4’s, pillows, towels, clothing, and non-mentionables. Please see this list of items not to flush from the North Davis Sewer District. Keeping problem items out of the system means the system will have less clogs and backups.
Read The Tangled Web of Flushed Wipes as reported by Shawn Dodson, ORWA Wastewater Technician.
Have you seen the inside of a sewer line?
We will be placing videos taken inside the sewer lines here for your viewing.
Fats, Oil and Grease
Fats, oil and grease are responsible for about half of all sewer backups. These backups are not only inconvenient, but can be very damaging to the sewer system and the users home or business. Get the correct information on proper disposal of fats, oil, and grease (FOG). This information can be printed and displayed in your facility.
The wastewater systems must comply with many federal and state rules and regulations covering such things as pretreatment, inflow, infiltration, overflows, water quality, financial management, emergency preparedness, and record keeping. Of course, primary among these is water quality. Testing requirements vary by system and wastewater source. The Sewer Department performs tests to ensure customers are complying with discharge permits.
You can find additional information on water quality at U.S. EPA web sites.
The Muskingum County Sewer Department serves more than 4000 customers through a network of over 125 miles of collection line, 58 pump stations, and the Adamsville treatment plant. The Adamsville collection and treatment system serves basically the Village of Adamsville. Wastewater is collected from a large area surrounding the City of Zanesville and transported to the Zanesville’s Wastewater Plant for treatment and disposal. The majority of the collection system is conventional gravity line. However in the Maysville area a septic tank at the customer’s site removes settleables and floatables, then this effluent is collected in small diameter lines laid at flatter slopes. The Utilities Office at 375 Richards Rd, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 provides all customer service for both the Sewer and Water Departments.
The Sewer Department is constantly making improvements to better serve its customers. The following is a list of those ongoing activities and some major accomplishments in the last five years.
Services provided by the Sewer Department
- Water Quality – Plant personnel are testing and monitoring the sewer collection system on a daily basis to protect the area water quality. If you observe wastewater system problems, please call the Utilities Office.
- System Operation – The collection system, plant, pump stations, and other critical system facilities are checked daily and preventive maintenance performed as scheduled. This minimizes system problems and extends the life of system assets.
- Overflows or Backups – Day or night there is always a person on call to respond to emergencies. Often these emergencies are caused by rain storms that overload system capacity or cause power outages. If a significant problem is identified, a crew is mobilized immediately to minimize the service interruption.
- Pretreatment Program – The department administers a pretreatment program for commercial and industrial customers that discharge high strength waste. This program places strict discharge requirements on specific commercial and industrial customers. Testing is conducted to ensure compliance with permit requirements.
Projects for 2024
- Weber Force Main
- Licking View Extension
Collection and Treatment Upgrades
2019 – Replace Weber Lift Station
2018 – Replaced Pembrook Force Main
2018 – Replaced East Main Street Sewer, South Zanesville
2017 – Added Route 719 Force Main
2017 – Replaced South Ave Lift Station
2016 – Replaced Avondale collection lines and eliminate septic tanks
2015 – Replaced Rusty Rifle Lift Station
2014 – Replaced New Life Lift Station and Force Main
2014 – Replaced manholes on East 40 Collector
System Extensions
2015 – County Road 6 Extension
2011 – Dunzweiler Extension
2011 – Coopermill Extension
2011 – Old Falls Extension
2011 – Sonora Extension
2010 – West Pike Extensions
Why is there green paint in my yard?
Before anyone digs in the ground they are required by law to call the Ohio Utility Protection Service (OUPS). When OUPS is contacted they in turn contact all utilities in the proposed project area to mark the location of their facilities. The Sewer Department uses green paint to mark its sewer lines. This service reduces the risk of sewer service being disrupted. DON’T FORGET TO CALL OUPS WHEN YOU ARE BEGINNING A PROJECT AROUND THE HOUSE THAT INVOLVES DIGGING IN THE GROUND.
What is smoke testing?
Smoke testing is a process used to identify any illegal sewer connections. Foundation drains, sump pump discharges, downs spouts, yard drains, and other sources of non-wastewater not to be connected to the house sewer line and are considered illegal connections. During smoke testing the sewer collection line is blocked at the manhole and smoke blown into the line with a fan. If there are no illegal connections the only place smoke will exit is the building roof vents. If there is an illegal connection smoke will exit from that connection. For example, if a down spout is tied into the sewer line smoke will billow from the down spout. These illegal connections can quickly cause system overflows.
What should I do when the alarm sounds on my grinder pump?
You should immediately call the Sewer Department at (740) 452-4940 during normal business hours and describe the problem. Outside of normal business hours please call (740) 819-4977.
Sewer Department Manager Jake Batteiger
Field Foreman Jereme Bowden
Asst. Field Foreman
Contact Our Office | |
Maintenance |
1410 Newark Road Zanesville, Ohio 43701 |
Billing |
375 Richards Road Zanesville, Ohio 43701 |
Hours | Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed Federal Holidays |
Phone | (740) 452-4940 |
Fax | (740) 452-5938 | |